Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to School (Barely)Shopping

I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact that school is starting again in three days. I have barely begun to start my summer assignment, and yet Monday is right around the corner. That's my complete lack of motivation at work, I guess.

Although the end of August does bring one reason to be happier about going back-

-school supply shopping.
Pencil case, environmentally friendly notebooks, planner, and adorable vintage-themed sticky notes.

Love love love cute school supplies. Also love hunting around in stationary shops for said school supplies. It's just not as fun with the typical drab, clashing learning materials from department stores.

My adorable new pencil case. Also filled with adorable writing tools. Adorable everywhere.

As far as clothes and such go......

Most of the apparel I bought in California. All $15 or under. Not exactly a big haul, but I definitely have not acquired much over the course of my summer vacation anyway.

I really feel like I have nothing to wear in the upcoming days, as I honestly dislike two-thirds of the items in my wardrobe right now (not to mention school dress codes), but purchasing new clothes to adapt with your ever-changing style really puts a hole in your wallet. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

City of Angels

I seem to somehow end up in Los Angeles every summer break, and this year was no exception. Stayed there for a week. It was a nice change, especially in terms of weather. Oh, how I miss the gentle breeze and the delicate airy feeling of the place. Pure bliss.

Friday, on the way to LA, accompanied by a copy of Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Stopped at Barstow for an ice cream cone.

Visited my uncle, aunt, and cousins at their beautiful hillside home for a few days. Their yard is so spacious and lovely! I really do envy the gorgeous scenery they get to enjoy every day from even within their backyard.
Luscious green hills everywhere!

They have the cutest things around their house....

Left the following Monday to visit my friend around the Pasadena area for a few days.
Went to Old Pasadena for a bit of shopping.

Another ice cream cone shot!
I did, very much so, enjoy my stay in LA. It consisted of mostly relaxing, being in the company of family and friends, and walking around town. We did plan to go to Disneyland or Six Flags, but in the end opted not to, though I really do wish we went to The Happiest Place on Earth. I would never get tired of going there. <3
Oh well! It was still quite an excellent trip nonetheless.